Active light
People in focus: our Active Light concept adapts Zumtobel luminaires and solutions to people’s needs.
Creating light creates life
Light is a central feature of human-centric architecture: it not only supports us with our everyday and occupational visual tasks, but also has a direct effect on our emotions. Light can also support human beings’ natural biorhythm and improve our sleep quality, attention and motivation.
All three components – the visual, emotional and biological effects of light – therefore make a direct contribution to people’s physical and mental health.
Active Light is the name of our holistic approach to light quality here at Zumtobel. To sum this up, light contributes to a space that is tailored to the needs of human beings and that provides people with positive support over the long term: the best conditions for long-lasting use.
The technology behind Active Light
tunableWhite: right colour temperature at the right time
By providing the right colour temperature and light intensity at the right time, tunableWhite supports people’s physiological functions and brain activity. Warm light in the early morning and evening supports well-being and relaxation, while bluish light in the late morning and around midday has a stimulating effect. This supports the circadian rhythm in interior spaces in a positive way, improving fitness and performance during waking phases.
Zumtobel SPECTRUM - so close to natural light
Zumtobel SPECTRUM imitates natural light as never before, reducing the intensity of blue wavelengths. Visual sharpness is improved by reducing the size of the pupil. Whether focused desk work or communicative exchange: Zumtobel SPECTRUM ensures good visual perception and concentrated work.
Making the biological effect of light calculable
The biological effectiveness of light plays an important role in the planning process. We provide you with the melanopic data sheets so that you can calculate non-visual effects of light according to common standards (CIE S 026/E:2018, DIN SPEC 5031-100, DIN SPEC 67600 and WELL Building Standard) during the lighting design.
Global commitment to lighting quality
Our efforts to improve life through Active Light are also reflected in international collaborations and projects:
ETH Zürich: research funding in informal settlements
Zumtobel is playing its part in ensuring that Active Light is not the preserve of economically successful workplaces and dwellings in privileged parts of the world. An example of this is our collaboration with Prof. Hubert Klumpner, Professor of Architecture and Urban Design at ETH Zürich’s Department of Architecture. His research focusses on the design of informal urban spaces (‘shanty towns’) from a humanitarian and creative perspective.
AEDES Berlin: lighting the global workspace
In the research project ‘Lighting the Global Workspace’, we joined forces with our long-term partner AEDES Network Campus Berlin (ANCB) to pose the following research question: What does a global approach to all-round lighting quality for office work look like? As part of this project, offices in Medellín, Lagos, Berlin, Manila and Sydney were studied in order to analyse their specific contexts and potential for innovation. Lighting plays a significant part in creating a positive company culture and identity that is quite literally a beacon of light. Diverse approaches to light in the workplace are defined by cultural differences.
Commitment to lighting research
Together with external research partners, we publish study findings into the best lighting in the context of applications and new technologies. For a better quality of life in the future, Zumtobel takes a global and holistic approach.
Some examples:
Gentle light exposure of exhibits with high quality of perception in museums. (Example ‘Picasso-Study’)
Increased health and well-being thanks to new findings on light in the workplace. (Example ‘Double Dynamic Lighting’)
For sustainability, cost reduction and efficient processes in facility management. (Example ‘Customised office areas, Amstein & Walthert study’)
For success in the retail sector. (Example ‘Limbic® Lighting’)